The concepts of quality assurance and audits are two distinct ideas that serve the same purpose: improving quality, consistency and reliability in operations. Audits can dig into any area of a company, including accounting, human resources and even quality assurance programs.

Illustration of quality control

The accounting profession uses the term ’quality ’ to describe the measures taken by a practice to comply with professional and legal requirements, helping to deliver a first class service to clients. A quality control system goes a long way towards this, encompassing a firm’s organisational structure, policies and procedures.

The Importance of Quality Assurance

Manufacturing organizations, as well as service industries, can employ quality assurance techniques. A quality assurance system can help your company identify weaknesses and inconsistencies in the service or production method.

  • Time Efficiency : A quality assured Audit team can reduce the amount of inspections required in an organization.

  • Increased Customer Satisfaction : The quality assured Audit system improves the quality of products and services, which increases customer satisfaction and in-turn revenue increases.